
public protocol StoreType : ActionHandler, StateProvider

A protocol that defines the two expected roles of a “Store”: receive/distribute actions (ActionHandler); and publish changes of the the current app state (StateProvider) to possible subscribers. It can be a real store (such as ReduxStoreBase) or just a “proxy” that acts on behalf of a real store, for example, in the case of StoreProjection.

  • projection(action:state:) Extension method

    Creates a subset of the current store by applying any transformation to the State or Action types.



    public func projection<ViewAction, ViewState>(
        action viewActionToGlobalAction: @escaping (ViewAction) -> ActionType?,
        state globalStateToViewState: @escaping (StateType) -> ViewState
    ) -> StoreProjection<ViewAction, ViewState>



    a closure that will transform the View Actions into global App Actions, to be dispatched in the original Store


    a closure that will transform the global App State into the View State, to subscribe the original Store and drive the View upon changes

    Return Value

    a StoreProjection struct, that uses the original Store under the hood, by applying the required transformations on state and action when app state changes or view actions arrive. It doesn’t store anything, just proxies the original store.

  • eraseToAnyStoreType() Extension method

    Type-erasure for the protocol StoreType.

    For more information please check the protocol documentation.



    public func eraseToAnyStoreType() -> AnyStoreType<ActionType, StateType>

    Return Value

    a type-erased store (AnyStoreType) from the current StoreType

  • contramapAction(_:) Extension method

    Create another StoreType that handles a different type of Action. The original store will be used behind the scenes, by only the provided “transform” closure whenever an action arrives.



    public func contramapAction<NewActionType>(_ transform: @escaping (NewActionType) -> ActionType)
    -> AnyStoreType<NewActionType, StateType>



    a closure that will be executed every time an action arrives at the proxy StoreType, so we can map it into the expected action type of the original StoreType.

    Return Value

    an AnyStoreType with same Statetype but different ActionType than the original store.

  • mapState(_:) Extension method

    Create another StoreType that handles a different type of State. The original store will be used behind the scenes, by only applying the provided “transform” closure whenever the state changes in the original store.



    public func mapState<NewStateType>(_ transform: @escaping (StateType) -> NewStateType)
    -> AnyStoreType<ActionType, NewStateType>



    a closure that will be executed every time the state changes in the original store, so we can map it into the state type expected by the subscribers of the proxy StoreType.

    Return Value

    an AnyStoreType with same ActionType but different StateType than the original store.