
public protocol MiddlewareReaderProtocol

A protocol to generalize MiddlewareReader. Unless you look for some very special behaviour, you should use MiddlewareReader directly which provides everything needed for your Middleware dependency injection.

  • Dependencies to inject in the middleware. This is equivalent to the parameters in a middleware initializer, usually a tuple with multiple dependencies separated by comma. In a function (Dependencies) -> MiddlewareType, this is at the left-hand side to the arrow.



    associatedtype Dependencies
  • The resulting middleware after the dependencies are injected. In a function (Dependencies) -> MiddlewareType, this is at the right-hand side to the arrow.



    associatedtype MiddlewareType : MiddlewareProtocol
  • An initializer function that, given the dependencies in the Middleware’s init, will give the Middleware instance When inject is called, your MiddlewareReader materializes into a Middleware.



    var inject: (Dependencies) -> MiddlewareType { get }
  • Allows to define a middleware initializer and store this initializer function until we have the dependencies to call it. This allows us to postpone the dependency injection and compose middlewares that are not even materialized yet.



    init(inject: @escaping (Dependencies) -> MiddlewareType)



    An initializer function that, given the dependencies in the Middleware’s init, will give the Middleware instance When inject is called, your MiddlewareReader materializes into a Middleware.

  • <>(_:_:) Extension method

    Compose two Middlewares that are not officially Semigroups and not necessarily the same Middleware type, into a ComposedMiddleware that holds both before even materializing them into real instances. As most Middlewares don’t need to return Self when grouped together, and it’s perfectly reasonable to compose middlewares of different types, this option is more flexible than the Semigroup composition.

    The only requirements are that:

    • both middleware readers must depend on the same Dependencies type
    • both resulting middlewares should match their input action, output action and state types

    Therefore, you should lift them first before composing them. Luckily this is possible to be done with MiddlewareReader.



    public static func <> <OtherMiddleware: MiddlewareProtocol>(lhs: Self, rhs: MiddlewareReader<Dependencies, OtherMiddleware>)
    -> MiddlewareReader<Dependencies, ComposedMiddleware<MiddlewareType.InputActionType, MiddlewareType.OutputActionType, MiddlewareType.StateType>>
        OtherMiddleware.InputActionType == MiddlewareType.InputActionType,
        OtherMiddleware.OutputActionType == MiddlewareType.OutputActionType,
        OtherMiddleware.StateType == MiddlewareType.StateType



    middleware reader that will generate a middleware which runs first


    middleware reader that will generate a middleware which runs last

    Return Value

    a composed Middleware Reader that, once injected with dependencies, will produce a ComposedMiddleware that runs first the left and then the right middleware

  • identity Extension method

    An identity MiddlewareReader ignores whatever Dependencies are given and simply return an identity Middleware. Composing any given middleware reader “A” with the identity middleware reader will be exactly the same as composing in the other order and also exactly the same as only the middleware reader “A” alone, which means, it doesn’t change anything in the MiddlewareReader “A” or its resulting Middleware, regardless of the order it was composed to.



    public static var identity: MiddlewareReader<Self.Dependencies, IdentityMiddleware<Self.MiddlewareType.InputActionType, Self.MiddlewareType.OutputActionType, Self.MiddlewareType.StateType>> { get }

Map 4

  • All you need to compose totally different middlewares. Using lift you can match all 4 parameters of a middleware and once they have common ground, you are able to compose them. These 4 parameters are:

    • Input Actions for the Middleware
    • Output Actions from the Middleware
    • Input State for the Middleware
    • Input Dependencies for the Middleware, through its MiddlewareReader dependency injection.



    public func lift<GlobalDependencies, GlobalInputActionType, GlobalOutputActionType, GlobalStateType>(
        inputAction inputActionMap: @escaping (GlobalInputActionType) -> MiddlewareType.InputActionType?,
        outputAction outputActionMap: @escaping (MiddlewareType.OutputActionType) -> GlobalOutputActionType,
        state stateMap: @escaping (GlobalStateType) -> MiddlewareType.StateType,
        dependencies dependenciesMap: @escaping (GlobalDependencies) -> Dependencies
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<GlobalDependencies, LiftMiddleware<GlobalInputActionType, GlobalOutputActionType, GlobalStateType, MiddlewareType>>



    once app actions (global) are in the Store chain, this function will pick only those that are relevant for this middleware or return nil in case they should be ignored. Global Actions that can be transformed into local actions will be forwarded to the middleware. This is usually implemented like: inputActionMap: { globalAction in guard case let AppAction.someLocalCase(localAction) = globalAction else { return nil } return localAction } You can use enum properties code generators to simplify this call to a simple inputActionMap: \AppAction.someLocalCase


    once this middleware dispatched some actions, this function should tell how to wrap each action to a more global action entity, to be forwarded to the Store chain. This is usually implemented like: outputActionMap: { actionFromMiddleware in return AppAction.someLocalCase(actionFromMiddleware) } Or for a single-level enum, the short-form outputActionMap: AppAction.someLocalCase


    this middleware may read only small portions of the whole app state. Global App State will be given so you can pick only the parts relevant for this middleware. This is usually implemented like: stateMap: { globalState in return globalState.someProperty } Or the KeyPath form: stateMap: \AppState.someProperty


    this middleware may depend on only a small amount of dependencies, not all the dependencies in your app. Given that there’s a GlobalDependencies struct holding the whole world of dependencies, this function can pick only the dependencies needed for this middleware. This is usually implemented like: dependenciesMap: { (world: World) in return (urlSession: world.urlSession, decoder: world.jsonDecoder) }

    Return Value

    a MiddlewareReader that works on global types, so it can be composed with other MiddlewareReaders matching same global types even before injecting the dependencies.

No input action map

  • All you need to compose totally different middlewares. Using lift you can match all 4 parameters of a middleware and once they have common ground, you are able to compose them. These 4 parameters are:

    • Input Actions for the Middleware
    • Output Actions from the Middleware
    • Input State for the Middleware
    • Input Dependencies for the Middleware, through its MiddlewareReader dependency injection.



    public func lift<GlobalDependencies, GlobalOutputActionType, GlobalStateType>(
        outputAction outputActionMap: @escaping (MiddlewareType.OutputActionType) -> GlobalOutputActionType,
        state stateMap: @escaping (GlobalStateType) -> MiddlewareType.StateType,
        dependencies dependenciesMap: @escaping (GlobalDependencies) -> Dependencies
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<
        LiftMiddleware<MiddlewareType.InputActionType, GlobalOutputActionType, GlobalStateType, MiddlewareType>



    once this middleware dispatched some actions, this function should tell how to wrap each action to a more global action entity, to be forwarded to the Store chain. This is usually implemented like: outputActionMap: { actionFromMiddleware in return AppAction.someLocalCase(actionFromMiddleware) } Or for a single-level enum, the short-form outputActionMap: AppAction.someLocalCase


    this middleware may read only small portions of the whole app state. Global App State will be given so you can pick only the parts relevant for this middleware. This is usually implemented like: stateMap: { globalState in return globalState.someProperty } Or the KeyPath form: stateMap: \AppState.someProperty


    this middleware may depend on only a small amount of dependencies, not all the dependencies in your app. Given that there’s a GlobalDependencies struct holding the whole world of dependencies, this function can pick only the dependencies needed for this middleware. This is usually implemented like: dependenciesMap: { (world: World) in return (urlSession: world.urlSession, decoder: world.jsonDecoder) }

    Return Value

    a MiddlewareReader that works on global types, so it can be composed with other MiddlewareReaders matching same global types even before injecting the dependencies.

No output action map

  • All you need to compose totally different middlewares. Using lift you can match all 4 parameters of a middleware and once they have common ground, you are able to compose them. These 4 parameters are:

    • Input Actions for the Middleware
    • Output Actions from the Middleware
    • Input State for the Middleware
    • Input Dependencies for the Middleware, through its MiddlewareReader dependency injection.



    public func lift<GlobalDependencies, GlobalInputActionType, GlobalStateType>(
        inputAction inputActionMap: @escaping (GlobalInputActionType) -> MiddlewareType.InputActionType?,
        state stateMap: @escaping (GlobalStateType) -> MiddlewareType.StateType,
        dependencies dependenciesMap: @escaping (GlobalDependencies) -> Dependencies
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<
        LiftMiddleware<GlobalInputActionType, MiddlewareType.OutputActionType, GlobalStateType, MiddlewareType>



    once app actions (global) are in the Store chain, this function will pick only those that are relevant for this middleware or return nil in case they should be ignored. Global Actions that can be transformed into local actions will be forwarded to the middleware. This is usually implemented like: inputActionMap: { globalAction in guard case let AppAction.someLocalCase(localAction) = globalAction else { return nil } return localAction } You can use enum properties code generators to simplify this call to a simple inputActionMap: \AppAction.someLocalCase


    this middleware may read only small portions of the whole app state. Global App State will be given so you can pick only the parts relevant for this middleware. This is usually implemented like: stateMap: { globalState in return globalState.someProperty } Or the KeyPath form: stateMap: \AppState.someProperty


    this middleware may depend on only a small amount of dependencies, not all the dependencies in your app. Given that there’s a GlobalDependencies struct holding the whole world of dependencies, this function can pick only the dependencies needed for this middleware. This is usually implemented like: dependenciesMap: { (world: World) in return (urlSession: world.urlSession, decoder: world.jsonDecoder) }

    Return Value

    a MiddlewareReader that works on global types, so it can be composed with other MiddlewareReaders matching same global types even before injecting the dependencies.

No state map

  • All you need to compose totally different middlewares. Using lift you can match all 4 parameters of a middleware and once they have common ground, you are able to compose them. These 4 parameters are:

    • Input Actions for the Middleware
    • Output Actions from the Middleware
    • Input State for the Middleware
    • Input Dependencies for the Middleware, through its MiddlewareReader dependency injection.



    public func lift<GlobalDependencies, GlobalInputActionType, GlobalOutputActionType>(
        inputAction inputActionMap: @escaping (GlobalInputActionType) -> MiddlewareType.InputActionType?,
        outputAction outputActionMap: @escaping (MiddlewareType.OutputActionType) -> GlobalOutputActionType,
        dependencies dependenciesMap: @escaping (GlobalDependencies) -> Dependencies
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<
        LiftMiddleware<GlobalInputActionType, GlobalOutputActionType, MiddlewareType.StateType, MiddlewareType>



    once app actions (global) are in the Store chain, this function will pick only those that are relevant for this middleware or return nil in case they should be ignored. Global Actions that can be transformed into local actions will be forwarded to the middleware. This is usually implemented like: inputActionMap: { globalAction in guard case let AppAction.someLocalCase(localAction) = globalAction else { return nil } return localAction } You can use enum properties code generators to simplify this call to a simple inputActionMap: \AppAction.someLocalCase


    once this middleware dispatched some actions, this function should tell how to wrap each action to a more global action entity, to be forwarded to the Store chain. This is usually implemented like: outputActionMap: { actionFromMiddleware in return AppAction.someLocalCase(actionFromMiddleware) } Or for a single-level enum, the short-form outputActionMap: AppAction.someLocalCase


    this middleware may depend on only a small amount of dependencies, not all the dependencies in your app. Given that there’s a GlobalDependencies struct holding the whole world of dependencies, this function can pick only the dependencies needed for this middleware. This is usually implemented like: dependenciesMap: { (world: World) in return (urlSession: world.urlSession, decoder: world.jsonDecoder) }

    Return Value

    a MiddlewareReader that works on global types, so it can be composed with other MiddlewareReaders matching same global types even before injecting the dependencies.

No dependencies map

  • All you need to compose totally different middlewares. Using lift you can match all 4 parameters of a middleware and once they have common ground, you are able to compose them. These 4 parameters are:

    • Input Actions for the Middleware
    • Output Actions from the Middleware
    • Input State for the Middleware
    • Input Dependencies for the Middleware, through its MiddlewareReader dependency injection.



    public func lift<GlobalInputActionType, GlobalOutputActionType, GlobalStateType>(
        inputAction inputActionMap: @escaping (GlobalInputActionType) -> MiddlewareType.InputActionType?,
        outputAction outputActionMap: @escaping (MiddlewareType.OutputActionType) -> GlobalOutputActionType,
        state stateMap: @escaping (GlobalStateType) -> MiddlewareType.StateType
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<Dependencies, LiftMiddleware<GlobalInputActionType, GlobalOutputActionType, GlobalStateType, MiddlewareType>>



    once app actions (global) are in the Store chain, this function will pick only those that are relevant for this middleware or return nil in case they should be ignored. Global Actions that can be transformed into local actions will be forwarded to the middleware. This is usually implemented like: inputActionMap: { globalAction in guard case let AppAction.someLocalCase(localAction) = globalAction else { return nil } return localAction } You can use enum properties code generators to simplify this call to a simple inputActionMap: \AppAction.someLocalCase


    once this middleware dispatched some actions, this function should tell how to wrap each action to a more global action entity, to be forwarded to the Store chain. This is usually implemented like: outputActionMap: { actionFromMiddleware in return AppAction.someLocalCase(actionFromMiddleware) } Or for a single-level enum, the short-form outputActionMap: AppAction.someLocalCase


    this middleware may read only small portions of the whole app state. Global App State will be given so you can pick only the parts relevant for this middleware. This is usually implemented like: stateMap: { globalState in return globalState.someProperty } Or the KeyPath form: stateMap: \AppState.someProperty

    Return Value

    a MiddlewareReader that works on global types, so it can be composed with other MiddlewareReaders matching same global types even before injecting the dependencies.

State and Dependencies map

  • lift(state:dependencies:) Extension method

    All you need to compose totally different middlewares. Using lift you can match all 4 parameters of a middleware and once they have common ground, you are able to compose them. These 4 parameters are:

    • Input Actions for the Middleware
    • Output Actions from the Middleware
    • Input State for the Middleware
    • Input Dependencies for the Middleware, through its MiddlewareReader dependency injection.



    public func lift<GlobalDependencies, GlobalStateType>(
        state stateMap: @escaping (GlobalStateType) -> MiddlewareType.StateType,
        dependencies dependenciesMap: @escaping (GlobalDependencies) -> Dependencies
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<
        LiftMiddleware<MiddlewareType.InputActionType, MiddlewareType.OutputActionType, GlobalStateType, MiddlewareType>



    this middleware may read only small portions of the whole app state. Global App State will be given so you can pick only the parts relevant for this middleware. This is usually implemented like: stateMap: { globalState in return globalState.someProperty } Or the KeyPath form: stateMap: \AppState.someProperty


    this middleware may depend on only a small amount of dependencies, not all the dependencies in your app. Given that there’s a GlobalDependencies struct holding the whole world of dependencies, this function can pick only the dependencies needed for this middleware. This is usually implemented like: dependenciesMap: { (world: World) in return (urlSession: world.urlSession, decoder: world.jsonDecoder) }

    Return Value

    a MiddlewareReader that works on global types, so it can be composed with other MiddlewareReaders matching same global types even before injecting the dependencies.

Output action and Dependencies map

  • All you need to compose totally different middlewares. Using lift you can match all 4 parameters of a middleware and once they have common ground, you are able to compose them. These 4 parameters are:

    • Input Actions for the Middleware
    • Output Actions from the Middleware
    • Input State for the Middleware
    • Input Dependencies for the Middleware, through its MiddlewareReader dependency injection.



    public func lift<GlobalDependencies, GlobalOutputActionType>(
        outputAction outputActionMap: @escaping (MiddlewareType.OutputActionType) -> GlobalOutputActionType,
        dependencies dependenciesMap: @escaping (GlobalDependencies) -> Dependencies
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<
        LiftMiddleware<MiddlewareType.InputActionType, GlobalOutputActionType, MiddlewareType.StateType, MiddlewareType>



    once this middleware dispatched some actions, this function should tell how to wrap each action to a more global action entity, to be forwarded to the Store chain. This is usually implemented like: outputActionMap: { actionFromMiddleware in return AppAction.someLocalCase(actionFromMiddleware) } Or for a single-level enum, the short-form outputActionMap: AppAction.someLocalCase


    this middleware may depend on only a small amount of dependencies, not all the dependencies in your app. Given that there’s a GlobalDependencies struct holding the whole world of dependencies, this function can pick only the dependencies needed for this middleware. This is usually implemented like: dependenciesMap: { (world: World) in return (urlSession: world.urlSession, decoder: world.jsonDecoder) }

    Return Value

    a MiddlewareReader that works on global types, so it can be composed with other MiddlewareReaders matching same global types even before injecting the dependencies.

Output action and State map

  • lift(outputAction:state:) Extension method

    All you need to compose totally different middlewares. Using lift you can match all 4 parameters of a middleware and once they have common ground, you are able to compose them. These 4 parameters are:

    • Input Actions for the Middleware
    • Output Actions from the Middleware
    • Input State for the Middleware
    • Input Dependencies for the Middleware, through its MiddlewareReader dependency injection.



    public func lift<GlobalOutputActionType, GlobalStateType>(
        outputAction outputActionMap: @escaping (MiddlewareType.OutputActionType) -> GlobalOutputActionType,
        state stateMap: @escaping (GlobalStateType) -> MiddlewareType.StateType
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<Dependencies, LiftMiddleware<MiddlewareType.InputActionType, GlobalOutputActionType, GlobalStateType, MiddlewareType>>



    once this middleware dispatched some actions, this function should tell how to wrap each action to a more global action entity, to be forwarded to the Store chain. This is usually implemented like: outputActionMap: { actionFromMiddleware in return AppAction.someLocalCase(actionFromMiddleware) } Or for a single-level enum, the short-form outputActionMap: AppAction.someLocalCase


    this middleware may read only small portions of the whole app state. Global App State will be given so you can pick only the parts relevant for this middleware. This is usually implemented like: stateMap: { globalState in return globalState.someProperty } Or the KeyPath form: stateMap: \AppState.someProperty

    Return Value

    a MiddlewareReader that works on global types, so it can be composed with other MiddlewareReaders matching same global types even before injecting the dependencies.

Input action and Dependencies map

  • All you need to compose totally different middlewares. Using lift you can match all 4 parameters of a middleware and once they have common ground, you are able to compose them. These 4 parameters are:

    • Input Actions for the Middleware
    • Output Actions from the Middleware
    • Input State for the Middleware
    • Input Dependencies for the Middleware, through its MiddlewareReader dependency injection.



    public func lift<GlobalDependencies, GlobalInputActionType>(
        inputAction inputActionMap: @escaping (GlobalInputActionType) -> MiddlewareType.InputActionType?,
        dependencies dependenciesMap: @escaping (GlobalDependencies) -> Dependencies
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<
        LiftMiddleware<GlobalInputActionType, MiddlewareType.OutputActionType, MiddlewareType.StateType, MiddlewareType>



    once app actions (global) are in the Store chain, this function will pick only those that are relevant for this middleware or return nil in case they should be ignored. Global Actions that can be transformed into local actions will be forwarded to the middleware. This is usually implemented like: inputActionMap: { globalAction in guard case let AppAction.someLocalCase(localAction) = globalAction else { return nil } return localAction } You can use enum properties code generators to simplify this call to a simple inputActionMap: \AppAction.someLocalCase


    this middleware may depend on only a small amount of dependencies, not all the dependencies in your app. Given that there’s a GlobalDependencies struct holding the whole world of dependencies, this function can pick only the dependencies needed for this middleware. This is usually implemented like: dependenciesMap: { (world: World) in return (urlSession: world.urlSession, decoder: world.jsonDecoder) }

    Return Value

    a MiddlewareReader that works on global types, so it can be composed with other MiddlewareReaders matching same global types even before injecting the dependencies.

Input action and State map

  • lift(inputAction:state:) Extension method

    All you need to compose totally different middlewares. Using lift you can match all 4 parameters of a middleware and once they have common ground, you are able to compose them. These 4 parameters are:

    • Input Actions for the Middleware
    • Output Actions from the Middleware
    • Input State for the Middleware
    • Input Dependencies for the Middleware, through its MiddlewareReader dependency injection.



    public func lift<GlobalInputActionType, GlobalStateType>(
        inputAction inputActionMap: @escaping (GlobalInputActionType) -> MiddlewareType.InputActionType?,
        state stateMap: @escaping (GlobalStateType) -> MiddlewareType.StateType
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<Dependencies, LiftMiddleware<GlobalInputActionType, MiddlewareType.OutputActionType, GlobalStateType, MiddlewareType>>



    once app actions (global) are in the Store chain, this function will pick only those that are relevant for this middleware or return nil in case they should be ignored. Global Actions that can be transformed into local actions will be forwarded to the middleware. This is usually implemented like: inputActionMap: { globalAction in guard case let AppAction.someLocalCase(localAction) = globalAction else { return nil } return localAction } You can use enum properties code generators to simplify this call to a simple inputActionMap: \AppAction.someLocalCase


    this middleware may read only small portions of the whole app state. Global App State will be given so you can pick only the parts relevant for this middleware. This is usually implemented like: stateMap: { globalState in return globalState.someProperty } Or the KeyPath form: stateMap: \AppState.someProperty

    Return Value

    a MiddlewareReader that works on global types, so it can be composed with other MiddlewareReaders matching same global types even before injecting the dependencies.

Input action and Output action map

  • All you need to compose totally different middlewares. Using lift you can match all 4 parameters of a middleware and once they have common ground, you are able to compose them. These 4 parameters are:

    • Input Actions for the Middleware
    • Output Actions from the Middleware
    • Input State for the Middleware
    • Input Dependencies for the Middleware, through its MiddlewareReader dependency injection.



    public func lift<GlobalInputActionType, GlobalOutputActionType>(
        inputAction inputActionMap: @escaping (GlobalInputActionType) -> MiddlewareType.InputActionType?,
        outputAction outputActionMap: @escaping (MiddlewareType.OutputActionType) -> GlobalOutputActionType
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<Dependencies, LiftMiddleware<GlobalInputActionType, GlobalOutputActionType, MiddlewareType.StateType, MiddlewareType>>



    once app actions (global) are in the Store chain, this function will pick only those that are relevant for this middleware or return nil in case they should be ignored. Global Actions that can be transformed into local actions will be forwarded to the middleware. This is usually implemented like: inputActionMap: { globalAction in guard case let AppAction.someLocalCase(localAction) = globalAction else { return nil } return localAction } You can use enum properties code generators to simplify this call to a simple inputActionMap: \AppAction.someLocalCase


    once this middleware dispatched some actions, this function should tell how to wrap each action to a more global action entity, to be forwarded to the Store chain. This is usually implemented like: outputActionMap: { actionFromMiddleware in return AppAction.someLocalCase(actionFromMiddleware) } Or for a single-level enum, the short-form outputActionMap: AppAction.someLocalCase

    Return Value

    a MiddlewareReader that works on global types, so it can be composed with other MiddlewareReaders matching same global types even before injecting the dependencies.

State map

  • lift(state:) Extension method

    All you need to compose totally different middlewares. Using lift you can match all 4 parameters of a middleware and once they have common ground, you are able to compose them. These 4 parameters are:

    • Input Actions for the Middleware
    • Output Actions from the Middleware
    • Input State for the Middleware
    • Input Dependencies for the Middleware, through its MiddlewareReader dependency injection.



    public func lift<GlobalStateType>(
        state stateMap: @escaping (GlobalStateType) -> MiddlewareType.StateType
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<
        LiftMiddleware<MiddlewareType.InputActionType, MiddlewareType.OutputActionType, GlobalStateType, MiddlewareType>



    this middleware may read only small portions of the whole app state. Global App State will be given so you can pick only the parts relevant for this middleware. This is usually implemented like: stateMap: { globalState in return globalState.someProperty } Or the KeyPath form: stateMap: \AppState.someProperty

    Return Value

    a MiddlewareReader that works on global types, so it can be composed with other MiddlewareReaders matching same global types even before injecting the dependencies.

Dependencies map

  • lift(dependencies:) Extension method

    All you need to compose totally different middlewares. Using lift you can match all 4 parameters of a middleware and once they have common ground, you are able to compose them. These 4 parameters are:

    • Input Actions for the Middleware
    • Output Actions from the Middleware
    • Input State for the Middleware
    • Input Dependencies for the Middleware, through its MiddlewareReader dependency injection.



    public func lift<GlobalDependencies>(
        dependencies dependenciesMap: @escaping (GlobalDependencies) -> Dependencies
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<GlobalDependencies, MiddlewareType>



    this middleware may depend on only a small amount of dependencies, not all the dependencies in your app. Given that there’s a GlobalDependencies struct holding the whole world of dependencies, this function can pick only the dependencies needed for this middleware. This is usually implemented like: dependenciesMap: { (world: World) in return (urlSession: world.urlSession, decoder: world.jsonDecoder) }

    Return Value

    a MiddlewareReader that works on global types, so it can be composed with other MiddlewareReaders matching same global types even before injecting the dependencies.

Output action map

  • lift(outputAction:) Extension method

    All you need to compose totally different middlewares. Using lift you can match all 4 parameters of a middleware and once they have common ground, you are able to compose them. These 4 parameters are:

    • Input Actions for the Middleware
    • Output Actions from the Middleware
    • Input State for the Middleware
    • Input Dependencies for the Middleware, through its MiddlewareReader dependency injection.



    public func lift<GlobalOutputActionType>(
        outputAction outputActionMap: @escaping (MiddlewareType.OutputActionType) -> GlobalOutputActionType
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<
        LiftMiddleware<MiddlewareType.InputActionType, GlobalOutputActionType, MiddlewareType.StateType, MiddlewareType>



    once this middleware dispatched some actions, this function should tell how to wrap each action to a more global action entity, to be forwarded to the Store chain. This is usually implemented like: outputActionMap: { actionFromMiddleware in return AppAction.someLocalCase(actionFromMiddleware) } Or for a single-level enum, the short-form outputActionMap: AppAction.someLocalCase

    Return Value

    a MiddlewareReader that works on global types, so it can be composed with other MiddlewareReaders matching same global types even before injecting the dependencies.

Input action map

  • lift(inputAction:) Extension method

    All you need to compose totally different middlewares. Using lift you can match all 4 parameters of a middleware and once they have common ground, you are able to compose them. These 4 parameters are:

    • Input Actions for the Middleware
    • Output Actions from the Middleware
    • Input State for the Middleware
    • Input Dependencies for the Middleware, through its MiddlewareReader dependency injection.



    public func lift<GlobalInputActionType>(
        inputAction inputActionMap: @escaping (GlobalInputActionType) -> MiddlewareType.InputActionType?
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<
        LiftMiddleware<GlobalInputActionType, MiddlewareType.OutputActionType, MiddlewareType.StateType, MiddlewareType>



    once app actions (global) are in the Store chain, this function will pick only those that are relevant for this middleware or return nil in case they should be ignored. Global Actions that can be transformed into local actions will be forwarded to the middleware. This is usually implemented like: inputActionMap: { globalAction in guard case let AppAction.someLocalCase(localAction) = globalAction else { return nil } return localAction } You can use enum properties code generators to simplify this call to a simple inputActionMap: \AppAction.someLocalCase

    Return Value

    a MiddlewareReader that works on global types, so it can be composed with other MiddlewareReaders matching same global types even before injecting the dependencies.

  • mapMiddleware(_:) Extension method

    Maps the Middleware element that will eventually be produced upon dependency injection, and derives into a new Middleware

    • We start with a dependency X to calculate middleware A
    • We give a way for going from middleware A to middleware B
    • Our resulting mapped MiddlewareReader will accept dependency X to calculate middleware B
    • Dependency type hasn’t changed at all



    public func mapMiddleware<NewMiddleware: MiddlewareProtocol>(_ transform: @escaping (MiddlewareType) -> NewMiddleware)
    -> MiddlewareReader<Dependencies, NewMiddleware>



    function that transforms original produced Middleware into a new one, once the dependencies are injected

    Return Value

    a new MiddlewareReader that will create not the original MiddlewareType any more, but a NewMiddleware mapped from the original

  • contramapDependecies(_:) Extension method

    Maps the Dependencies element, which is the input environment of the calculation for a particular middleware, using a contravariant function that will allow to lift this reader into a MiddlewareReader compatible with a more global dependencies structure.

    Once this MiddlewareReader is lifted to depend on World (where world means all dependencies you need for all middlewares), it can be combined with others that also depend on the same World, so this is useful for composition as you eventually want to combine all sorts of middlewares that have different dependencies, so this is for finding a common ground for all of them.

    • We start with a local dependency X to calculate middleware A
    • We give a way to extract depdendency X from world W (W -> X), where world means all dependencies you need for all middlewares
    • Our resulting MiddlewareReader will accept dependency W to calculate middleware A
    • Middleware type hasn’t changed at all



    public func contramapDependecies<World>(_ extractOnlyDependenciesNeededForThisMiddleware: @escaping (World) -> Dependencies)
    -> MiddlewareReader<World, MiddlewareType>



    given all dependencies in the World of this app, that are needed for all middlewares and not only this one, extracts only what we need for this one

    Return Value

    a new MiddlewareReader that will require the full World to create the MiddlewareType. It can be combined with others that also depend on the same World, so this is useful for composition as you eventually want to combine all sorts of middlewares that have different dependencies, so this is for finding a common ground for all of them.

  • Maps the Middleware element that will eventually be produced upon dependency injection, and derives into a new Middleware

    Also maps the Dependencies element, which is the input environment of the calculation for a particular middleware, using a contravariant function that will allow to lift this reader into a MiddlewareReader compatible with a more global dependencies structure.

    Once this MiddlewareReader is lifted to depend on World (where world means all dependencies you need for all middlewares), it can be combined with others that also depend on the same World, so this is useful for composition as you eventually want to combine all sorts of middlewares that have different dependencies, so this is for finding a common ground for all of them.

    • We start with a dependency X to calculate middleware A
    • We give a way for going from middleware A to middleware B
    • We also give a way to extract depdendency X from world W (W -> X), where world means all dependencies you need for all middlewares
    • Our resulting mapped MiddlewareReader will accept dependency @ to calculate middleware B



    public func dimap<NewMiddleware: MiddlewareProtocol, World>(
        transformMiddleware: @escaping (MiddlewareType) -> NewMiddleware,
        extractOnlyDependenciesNeededForThisMiddleware: @escaping (World) -> Dependencies
    -> MiddlewareReader<World, NewMiddleware>



    function that transforms original produced Middleware into a new one, once the dependencies are injected


    given all dependencies in the World of this app, that are needed for all middlewares and not only this one, extracts only what we need for this one

    Return Value

    a new MiddlewareReader that will require the full World to create not the original MiddlewareType any more, but a NewMiddleware mapped from the original. It can be combined with others that also depend on the same World, so this is useful for composition as you eventually want to combine all sorts of middlewares that have different dependencies, so this is for finding a common ground for all of them.

  • flatMap(_:) Extension method

    Having a MiddlewareReader mapping that results in another MiddlewareReader that also depends on same environment, we can flatten up the map by using the same environment to inject in both MiddlewareReaders. Useful when there’s a chain of dependencies



    public func flatMap<NewMiddlewareReader: MiddlewareReaderProtocol>(_ transform: @escaping (MiddlewareType) -> NewMiddlewareReader)
    -> NewMiddlewareReader where NewMiddlewareReader.Dependencies == Dependencies



    a function that, from the produced middleware of the original middleware reader, can create another middleware reader that produces a different middleware, as long as their dependencies are the same

    Return Value

    a flatten MiddlewareReader with transformation applied and dependencies injected in the original middleware reader, the produced middleware given to the transform function and injected again.

  • pure(_:) Extension method

    Wraps a pure function in a MiddlewareReader container just for the sake of composition. Nothing is actually needed for the calculation and injected dependency will be ignored. This is useful for lifting a Middleware into a MiddlewareReader, so you can compose with other MiddlewareReaders that actually depend on dependencies.



    public static func pure(_ value: MiddlewareType) -> Self



    The middleware that will be eventually returned when “inject” is called. This is a autoclosure so it can be lazily evaluated.

    Return Value

    a MiddlewareReader that wraps the given Middleware until inject is called.

  • zip(_:_:with:) Extension method

    Creates a MiddlewareReader that combines multiple readers into one, as long as they depend on same environment. Once this environment is injected, upstream readers will run and the result will be a tuple containing the resulting values of each upstream reader. Then you provide a way to combine there resulting Middlewares into one.



    public static func zip<M1: MiddlewareReaderProtocol, M2: MiddlewareReaderProtocol, MOutput: MiddlewareProtocol>(
        _ reader1: M1,
        _ reader2: M2,
        with map: @escaping (M1.MiddlewareType, M2.MiddlewareType) -> MOutput
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<M1.Dependencies, MOutput> where M1.Dependencies == M2.Dependencies



    first reader type


    second reader type


    how to combine produced middlewares into a single one, of type MOutput

    Return Value

    middleware reader that gives a middleware of type MOutput after receiving the injected dependencies

  • zip(_:_:_:with:) Extension method

    Creates a MiddlewareReader that combines multiple readers into one, as long as they depend on same environment. Once this environment is injected, upstream readers will run and the result will be a tuple containing the resulting values of each upstream reader. Then you provide a way to combine there resulting Middlewares into one.



    public static func zip<M1: MiddlewareReaderProtocol, M2: MiddlewareReaderProtocol, M3: MiddlewareReaderProtocol, MOutput: MiddlewareProtocol>(
        _ reader1: M1,
        _ reader2: M2,
        _ reader3: M3,
        with map: @escaping (M1.MiddlewareType, M2.MiddlewareType, M3.MiddlewareType) -> MOutput
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<M1.Dependencies, MOutput> where M1.Dependencies == M2.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M3.Dependencies



    first reader type


    second reader type


    third reader type


    how to combine produced middlewares into a single one, of type MOutput

    Return Value

    middleware reader that gives a middleware of type MOutput after receiving the injected dependencies

  • zip(_:_:_:_:with:) Extension method

    Creates a MiddlewareReader that combines multiple readers into one, as long as they depend on same environment. Once this environment is injected, upstream readers will run and the result will be a tuple containing the resulting values of each upstream reader. Then you provide a way to combine there resulting Middlewares into one.



    public static func zip<
        M1: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M2: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M3: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M4: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        MOutput: MiddlewareProtocol
    > (
        _ reader1: M1,
        _ reader2: M2,
        _ reader3: M3,
        _ reader4: M4,
        with map: @escaping (M1.MiddlewareType, M2.MiddlewareType, M3.MiddlewareType, M4.MiddlewareType) -> MOutput
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<M1.Dependencies, MOutput>
    where M1.Dependencies == M2.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M3.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M4.Dependencies



    first reader type


    second reader type


    third reader type


    fourth reader type


    how to combine produced middlewares into a single one, of type MOutput

    Return Value

    middleware reader that gives a middleware of type MOutput after receiving the injected dependencies

  • zip(_:_:_:_:_:with:) Extension method

    Creates a MiddlewareReader that combines multiple readers into one, as long as they depend on same environment. Once this environment is injected, upstream readers will run and the result will be a tuple containing the resulting values of each upstream reader. Then you provide a way to combine there resulting Middlewares into one.



    public static func zip<
        M1: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M2: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M3: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M4: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M5: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        MOutput: MiddlewareProtocol
    > (
        _ reader1: M1,
        _ reader2: M2,
        _ reader3: M3,
        _ reader4: M4,
        _ reader5: M5,
        with map: @escaping (M1.MiddlewareType, M2.MiddlewareType, M3.MiddlewareType, M4.MiddlewareType, M5.MiddlewareType) -> MOutput
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<M1.Dependencies, MOutput>
    where M1.Dependencies == M2.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M3.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M4.Dependencies,
          M1.Dependencies == M5.Dependencies



    first reader type


    second reader type


    third reader type


    fourth reader type


    fifth reader type


    how to combine produced middlewares into a single one, of type MOutput

    Return Value

    middleware reader that gives a middleware of type MOutput after receiving the injected dependencies

  • zip(_:_:_:_:_:_:with:) Extension method

    Creates a MiddlewareReader that combines multiple readers into one, as long as they depend on same environment. Once this environment is injected, upstream readers will run and the result will be a tuple containing the resulting values of each upstream reader. Then you provide a way to combine there resulting Middlewares into one.



    public static func zip<
        M1: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M2: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M3: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M4: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M5: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M6: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        MOutput: MiddlewareProtocol
    > (
        _ reader1: M1,
        _ reader2: M2,
        _ reader3: M3,
        _ reader4: M4,
        _ reader5: M5,
        _ reader6: M6,
        with map: @escaping (
            M1.MiddlewareType, M2.MiddlewareType, M3.MiddlewareType, M4.MiddlewareType, M5.MiddlewareType, M6.MiddlewareType
        ) -> MOutput
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<M1.Dependencies, MOutput>
    where M1.Dependencies == M2.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M3.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M4.Dependencies,
          M1.Dependencies == M5.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M6.Dependencies



    first reader type


    second reader type


    third reader type


    fourth reader type


    fifth reader type


    sixth reader type


    how to combine produced middlewares into a single one, of type MOutput

    Return Value

    middleware reader that gives a middleware of type MOutput after receiving the injected dependencies

  • zip(_:_:_:_:_:_:_:with:) Extension method

    Creates a MiddlewareReader that combines multiple readers into one, as long as they depend on same environment. Once this environment is injected, upstream readers will run and the result will be a tuple containing the resulting values of each upstream reader. Then you provide a way to combine there resulting Middlewares into one.



    public static func zip<
        M1: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M2: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M3: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M4: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M5: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M6: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M7: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        MOutput: MiddlewareProtocol
    > (
        _ reader1: M1,
        _ reader2: M2,
        _ reader3: M3,
        _ reader4: M4,
        _ reader5: M5,
        _ reader6: M6,
        _ reader7: M7,
        with map: @escaping (
            M1.MiddlewareType, M2.MiddlewareType, M3.MiddlewareType, M4.MiddlewareType, M5.MiddlewareType, M6.MiddlewareType, M7.MiddlewareType
        ) -> MOutput
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<M1.Dependencies, MOutput>
    where M1.Dependencies == M2.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M3.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M4.Dependencies,
          M1.Dependencies == M5.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M6.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M7.Dependencies



    first reader type


    second reader type


    third reader type


    fourth reader type


    fifth reader type


    sixth reader type


    seventh reader type


    how to combine produced middlewares into a single one, of type MOutput

    Return Value

    middleware reader that gives a middleware of type MOutput after receiving the injected dependencies

  • zip(_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:with:) Extension method

    Creates a MiddlewareReader that combines multiple readers into one, as long as they depend on same environment. Once this environment is injected, upstream readers will run and the result will be a tuple containing the resulting values of each upstream reader. Then you provide a way to combine there resulting Middlewares into one.



    public static func zip<
        M1: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M2: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M3: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M4: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M5: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M6: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M7: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M8: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        MOutput: MiddlewareProtocol
    > (
        _ reader1: M1,
        _ reader2: M2,
        _ reader3: M3,
        _ reader4: M4,
        _ reader5: M5,
        _ reader6: M6,
        _ reader7: M7,
        _ reader8: M8,
        with map: @escaping (
            M1.MiddlewareType, M2.MiddlewareType, M3.MiddlewareType, M4.MiddlewareType, M5.MiddlewareType, M6.MiddlewareType, M7.MiddlewareType,
        ) -> MOutput
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<M1.Dependencies, MOutput>
    where M1.Dependencies == M2.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M3.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M4.Dependencies,
          M1.Dependencies == M5.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M6.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M7.Dependencies,
          M1.Dependencies == M8.Dependencies



    first reader type


    second reader type


    third reader type


    fourth reader type


    fifth reader type


    sixth reader type


    seventh reader type


    eighth reader type


    how to combine produced middlewares into a single one, of type MOutput

    Return Value

    middleware reader that gives a middleware of type MOutput after receiving the injected dependencies

  • zip(_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:with:) Extension method

    Creates a MiddlewareReader that combines multiple readers into one, as long as they depend on same environment. Once this environment is injected, upstream readers will run and the result will be a tuple containing the resulting values of each upstream reader. Then you provide a way to combine there resulting Middlewares into one.



    public static func zip<
        M1: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M2: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M3: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M4: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M5: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M6: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M7: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M8: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M9: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        MOutput: MiddlewareProtocol
    > (
        _ reader1: M1,
        _ reader2: M2,
        _ reader3: M3,
        _ reader4: M4,
        _ reader5: M5,
        _ reader6: M6,
        _ reader7: M7,
        _ reader8: M8,
        _ reader9: M9,
        with map: @escaping (
            M1.MiddlewareType, M2.MiddlewareType, M3.MiddlewareType, M4.MiddlewareType, M5.MiddlewareType, M6.MiddlewareType, M7.MiddlewareType,
            M8.MiddlewareType, M9.MiddlewareType
        ) -> MOutput
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<M1.Dependencies, MOutput>
    where M1.Dependencies == M2.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M3.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M4.Dependencies,
          M1.Dependencies == M5.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M6.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M7.Dependencies,
          M1.Dependencies == M8.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M9.Dependencies



    first reader type


    second reader type


    third reader type


    fourth reader type


    fifth reader type


    sixth reader type


    seventh reader type


    eighth reader type


    ninth reader type


    how to combine produced middlewares into a single one, of type MOutput

    Return Value

    middleware reader that gives a middleware of type MOutput after receiving the injected dependencies

  • Creates a MiddlewareReader that combines multiple readers into one, as long as they depend on same environment. Once this environment is injected, upstream readers will run and the result will be a tuple containing the resulting values of each upstream reader. Then you provide a way to combine there resulting Middlewares into one.



    public static func zip<
        M1: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M2: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M3: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M4: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M5: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M6: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M7: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M8: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M9: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        M10: MiddlewareReaderProtocol,
        MOutput: MiddlewareProtocol
    > (
        _ reader1: M1,
        _ reader2: M2,
        _ reader3: M3,
        _ reader4: M4,
        _ reader5: M5,
        _ reader6: M6,
        _ reader7: M7,
        _ reader8: M8,
        _ reader9: M9,
        _ reader10: M10,
        with map: @escaping (
            M1.MiddlewareType, M2.MiddlewareType, M3.MiddlewareType, M4.MiddlewareType, M5.MiddlewareType, M6.MiddlewareType, M7.MiddlewareType,
            M8.MiddlewareType, M9.MiddlewareType, M10.MiddlewareType
        ) -> MOutput
    ) -> MiddlewareReader<M1.Dependencies, MOutput>
    where M1.Dependencies == M2.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M3.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M4.Dependencies,
          M1.Dependencies == M5.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M6.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M7.Dependencies,
          M1.Dependencies == M8.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M9.Dependencies, M1.Dependencies == M10.Dependencies



    first reader type


    second reader type


    third reader type


    fourth reader type


    fifth reader type


    sixth reader type


    seventh reader type


    eighth reader type


    ninth reader type


    tenth reader type


    how to combine produced middlewares into a single one, of type MOutput

    Return Value

    middleware reader that gives a middleware of type MOutput after receiving the injected dependencies

Available where MiddlewareType: Semigroup

  • <>(_:_:) Extension method

    Compose two Semigroup Middlewares into one, before even materializing them into real instances.



    public static func <> (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self



    middleware reader that will generate a middleware which runs first


    middleware reader that will generate a middleware which runs last

    Return Value

    a composed Middleware Reader that, once injected with dependencies, will produce a middleware that runs first the left and then the right middleware

Available where MiddlewareType: Monoid

  • identity Extension method

    An identity MiddlewareReader ignores whatever Dependencies are given and simply return an identity Middleware. Composing any given middleware reader “A” with the identity middleware reader will be exactly the same as composing in the other order and also exactly the same as only the middleware reader “A” alone, which means, it doesn’t change anything in the MiddlewareReader “A” or its resulting Middleware, regardless of the order it was composed to.



    public static var identity: Self { get }